December 2017 - CrossFit Good Life


CFGoodLife – CrossFit Overhead Squat (3 X 5 @ 75% ) Rest 2 Min between sets Metcon (Time) CrossFit Games Bar Fight 12 Clean and Jerk (155/115) 15 Chest to Bar 12 Toes to Bar 15 Chest to Bar 12 Toes to Bar 12 Clean and Jerk * 15 Min Time Cap * scale jumping chest to bar and hanging knee raises * use only one bar on the...


CFGoodLife – CrossFit Dubs/Row 50-10/10-50 (Time) 50-40-30-20-10 Dubs 10-20-30-40-50 Row Cal


CFGoodLife – CrossFit Metcon (Time) Teams of 2: Cash in: 800m run together 100 KBS (53/35) 80 Push Ups 100cal Row 60 Pull ups 40 S2OH (135/95) 100 DU 20 T2B 20 Burpees Cash out: 800m run...


CFGoodLife – CrossFit JP warm up (No Measure) Warm up Row 500/run 400 3 rounds: 10 rkbs 10 goblet squats 10 ring rows With a band- hamstring stretch hip flexor stretch spiderman stretch ankle stretch Then- Banded front rack stretch Wrist prep Front Squat (10-5-5) Working at 70% of your 1 rep max perform 10 unbroken front squats, rest 3 mins, perform 5 unbroken front squats, rest 2 mins, perform 5 unbroken front squats Metcon (Time) 21-15-9 Bike or Row for cals Wall ball...


CFGoodLife – CrossFit Warm-up (No Measure) 3 mins of row/bike/run The length of the rig- lunge with hold and twist 10 sit ups toe touches 10 DB seated press side to side lunge 10 kipping swings frankensteins 10 alternating walking lunge steps with a lighter weight than in the metcon inchworm 10 push ups then accumulate 1 minute handstand hold or plate hold 1 minute calf stretch Metcon (No Measure) EMOM 10: 1 – 5-10 HSPU (or AMRAP, goal is to be unbroken) *tempo Sitting DB Press (3012) 2 – 10-12 T2B *hanging knee raises NO double pump Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 20min AMRAP: 30 DU (3:1 singles) 10 Alternating Walking Lunge Steps (53/35-front rack) 300m run or 400m row 15 Burpees *count doubles as 30 reps in scoring, row or run counts as 10 reps in...